New Men’s Group at Journey

There are many topics that often affect men more drastically than women, but few have as immense of an impact or are as prevalent as dealing with sexual sin. The statistics are alarming: approximately 40 million Americans regularly visit porn sites and an estimated 68% of churchgoing men view pornography on a regular basis. The issue is much bigger than pornography, though. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). All of us are seeking our worth in things other than God and find ourselves trapped in cycles of seeking and then falling into despair when those things do not provide the type of outcome we were hoping for, or simply do not last.

This men’s group at Journey Counseling Ministries is focused on how we as men can come together and be open and honest about our struggles with sexual sin. Rather than being condemned for it or ashamed because of it we can see God’s purpose and plan for our struggles to bring us closer to him. We often want to try to hide our struggles with sexual sin, but when we bring them into the open with other men who are struggling in similar ways we can experience grace, connectedness and freedom. The group takes place over the course of 10 weeks, with one meeting each week. At each meeting, we will discuss Scripture and discussion questions to work towards our own goals and seek to learn from others as they share about how they are growing in their own journey.

The group is set to begin on Tuesday, January 21st and each session will run from 5pm – 7pm at the Journey Counseling office in downtown Harrisonburg. The cost of the entire group for all 10 sessions is $350 to be paid prior to the start of the group. If you have any questions or would like to sign up for the group, you can contact Evan Pergrim, at All are welcome and you do not need to be a client at Journey or belong to a particular church or denomination.

Written by Evan Pergrim


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