Kristin Miller Kristin Miller

Begin With the End in Mind

The reality of your last year or your yesterday is defined by the determination of your today towards the devotion to the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ who holds your tomorrow in His hands.

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Kristin Miller Kristin Miller

New Men’s Group at Journey

This men’s group at Journey Counseling Ministries is focused on how we as men can come together and be open and honest about our struggles with sexual sin. Rather than being condemned for it or ashamed because of it we can see God’s purpose and plan for our struggles to bring us closer to him.

The group is set to begin on Tuesday, January 21st and each session will run from 5pm – 7pm at the Journey Counseling office in downtown Harrisonburg.

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Kristin Miller Kristin Miller

Finding Hope During the Holidays

English: Whatever you are going through, you can rest assured that God is by your side, offering His comfort and strength. You are loved. You are seen. And God is with you.

Español: Lo que sea que estés atravesando, puedes tener la certeza de que Dios está a tu lado, ofreciéndote Su consuelo y fortaleza. Eres amado. Eres visto. Y Dios está contigo.

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Kristin Miller Kristin Miller

Loneliness and the Holidays

Ahh… It’s that time of year again. The holidays are upon us and with that comes turkey, lights, family, and…loneliness? Perhaps you don’t have family to spend the holidays with, or maybe you do but the time spent with family makes you feel lonely and unseen…

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Josh Minnick Josh Minnick

Game Day

Fall is often a time for sports, outdoor events, and other large gatherings. The other day when I was at a football game I noticed how many people were there to watch a couple of men play a game. I also noticed how passionate the people around me were following what...

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Josh Minnick Josh Minnick

Is There Purpose in My Pain?

Do you ever wonder why God allows us to suffer? Have you ever thought of the scripture in Galatians 6:9 that encourages us to “not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” and wondered, “how in the world do I not grow weary?” There have been several times in my life that I have felt weary and wondered, “how do I not feel weary when everything seems to be falling apart or is relentless?”

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Kristin Miller Kristin Miller

Joy in the Midst of Difficult Times

The unmistakable mark of a Christian is joy in the midst of painful circumstances.

How are we to cultivate contentment, joy, and peace when life continually throws grenade after grenade at us – echoing chaos, discontentment, and pain into our daily life?

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